Dec 1, 2024
enso 鎌倉 和ハーブティー
<黒豆スパイスチャイ> 滋養強壮の食材として、薬膳でも親しまれる国産有機黒豆をベースに、月桃やよもぎなどの和ハーブにスパイスを合わせて、和風のチャイに仕上げました。
Located in a renovated Geisha house in a back alley on Komachi-dori in Kamakura, ENSO is a restaurant with a perfumery, developed by the cosmetics brand OSAJI. In collaboration with 今古今 , a producer of Japanese herbal teas using wildflowers and medicinal herbs from all over Japan, also in Kamakura, the restaurant has created an original blend of craft herbal teas made by hand.
The tea, which has been served in the restaurant as an original tea based on the concept of ‘aroma’, is now available in tea bags that can be easily enjoyed at home.
The teabags is available at the ENSO shop (and also at the Shonan Tsutaya Winter Gifts’ Fair from 18 Dec to 20 Jan.
・Kuromame Spice chai blend
Japanese organic black soybeans, popular in medicinal herbs as a tonic ingredient, are combined with Japanese herbs such as shell ginger and mugwort, and spices to create a Japanese-style chai.
・Yuzu Rooibos blend
Yuzu, an essential herb of the Japanese cuisine, is combined with fruity rooibos in this fragrant blend. The whole shell ginger seed is a precious herb, and the spicy aroma is released when the seed is crushed.